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"A server is a computer or computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network."
In simple terms, a server is a "virtual computer" you can connect to from your own device/s. Servers are really useful for botters, in fact they guarantee a better connection/ping and overall a better performance since it's not only a matter of connection but also of components & power (a server is usually more powerful than your local PC).
There are different kinds of servers and several providers. The most common and used providers are Google Cloud, Amazon (AWS) and Netcup. Some of them charge by the hour (depending on the usage) and that's the case of AWS, other providers (such as Google Cloud and Netcup) offer monthly plans with a standard amount of money to be paid on monthly basis. Basically the amount of money a server costs depends on how much it is powerful (the more it is the more it costs) but also on the amount of time you keep it turned on (this is the case of servers based on usage, as previously said, the more you use it the more you will get charged starting from X$/hour). Moreover a server has also its own location (that obviously will be reflected in its IP). While generating a server it's usually recommended to choose the location according to the site/s you will be going to bot with your bot (basically London, Frankfurt are good locations for EU botting).
Here below there are some video guides available on YouTube.